National 4 and 5 Computer Science

Course Notes


Please add a post to your learning blog after each Computing Science lesson explaining what you have been doing and what you learned. Remember, if you are absent at any time it is your responsibility to catch up on missed work including any homework that was issued whilst you were off. This should be submitted as soon as you are able to do it.


Web Page HTML

We are using the Web Page Editor NVu in class. This is free to download and use at home and runs on PC and Mac computers. Tutorials and help on writing HTML can be found at, CodeAcademy and HTMLDog.

Programming Language

We are using the programming langugae LiveCode in class. All students who have access to a computer at home are encouraged to download LiveCode and pratice at home. LiveCode is free, open source software which runs on PC, Mac and Linux computers. More information on the LiveCode website including the ability to download for free.


Since leaving teaching, MrsBarrass has been working on the UK National UK Supercomputing Service, ARCHER as part of EPCC at Edinburgh University. She has written a webpage of information about Supercomputers which is relevant to the National 5 Computing Science course.

Old Int 1 Course Notes

Quizzes and Revision Activities

S3 Word Processing

S3 Computer Systems
